Behavior Expectations

This year, we will have three main rules in our classroom. Our rules are known as the “Three Bees." We will spend the first few days of school talking about the importance of our three bees, and why we need rules at school. Here are our three little bees:
  • “Bee” responsible
  • “Bee” respectful 
  • “Bee” peaceful
Along with our “Three Bees,” we will use a color coded system for the children to monitor their behavior. In our classroom the children are responsible for making good choices. The color coded system is explained here:

When a student goes above and beyond what is expected, they have the opportunity to move to blue. These students make excellent choices and set an example for others. If a child ends the day on blue they will also earn a sticker on their “Best Bee”havior Punch card. When a child has earned 20 stickers, they will get the chance to choose a reward our of our Best “Bee”havior Binder. The binder includes rewards such as eating lunch with the teacher, sitting in the teacher’s desk, taking control of all class jobs for a day, taking your shoes off in the classroom, and extra computer time.

Ready to Learn
Everyone starts the day on green. “Ready to learn students can “move up” or "move down" depending on the choices they make.

Students who receive a warning will move to yellow. This serves as a reminder to students to think about the choices they make. Students have the opportunity to move back to green if they demonstrate the appropriate behaviors. 

Teacher’s Choice and Parent Contact
Students who continue to make poor choices will move to red. This will result in a consequence that is appropriate for the behavior choice that was made. Children react and respond differently so consequences will vary depending on the child and the choices that were made. Also, at this point a red note will be sent home with your child explaining why they ended the day on red. When your child receives a red note, it is to be read over, discussed, and then signed and returned the next day. 

The first two weeks or so will be used to make the children aware of my expectations, so please don’t be surprised if they come home on yellow or red. This is a time when the children will be testing their limits and I have high expectations for all of my students. I do ask that you still have a conversation with your child about appropriate classroom behavior so they are aware of our expectations. All children are expected to follow our classroom rules and procedures. There will be a weekly calendar placed inside your child’s home folder so that you are aware of their daily behavior. This calendar should remain in your child’s take home folder all week. Please take the time to review it each night, and return it to school the following day. It can be removed at the end of the week.

This system is a great opportunity for the children to be held accountable for their actions, as well as a way for them to self-monitor their behavior. Thank you in advance for your support at home. I know together we will establish a positive learning environment where our children can grow and succeed! As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.  

Miss Schutt