Tuesday, October 25, 2016

October 25th, 2016

Go Cubs Go! 

Today we are celebrating the Cubs first World Series game since 1945! Such an exciting time for our city and Chicago sports :) Please take a minute to read a few important updates and take a look at what's going on in our classroom.

Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thank you to everyone who has signed up or contacted me regarding parent teacher conferences. If you have not signed up yet, please visit our classroom SignUp Genius Account to schedule your time. am looking forward to meeting with you to discuss your child's progress thus far. Please remember that each conference is scheduled for just 15 minutes and many conferences are back-to-back. At the end of 15 minutes if we feel we have more to discuss we can schedule another time to meet. We appreciate your help and understanding in making sure we have enough time to meet with each family.

Halloween Information
Please see my previous blog posts regarding Halloween Information. Also, please be sure to read the Principal's Message for school guidelines around appropriate costume attire for our Halloween festivities. If you are unsure about whether or not something in your child's costume is appropriate, please contact me. Also included in Mrs. Gluck's blog are the guidelines around students going home for lunch on Halloween. If you plan on picking your child up for a costume change, please be sure to review the procedures. Thank you.
**Please note that due to recent events with clowns, clown costumes will not be allowed at school. We appreciate your cooperation in making the Halloween fun and safe for everyone!

Dressing for the Weather
With fall comes chilly temperatures! Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather. Students will be going outside each day. As the temperatures get colder, you may also want to send hats, gloves, and other items to stay warm. It's helpful to have everything labeled as things fall out of pockets and backpacks easily!

This past we we wrapped up our opinion writing unit and have moved onto informational writing. We independently listened to a story on PebbleGo about the Statue of Liberty and read a short non-fiction text together. We were given a writing prompt and analyzed it with the TAK model and brainstormed important information. We came up with our topic and conclusion by using the Core 4 sentence types and will continue to plan by organizing our writing with a T-chart this week. We will also be looking at our writing for conventional pieces such as uppercase letters at the beginning of our sentences, finger spaces, and end marks at the end. 

Word Study
Please remember to have your child sort their word sort each night. It is important that they say the word first and then lay it in the correct group and explain why it belongs there to really internalize the spelling patten. As mentioned in my previous blog post, I will not be collecting any word study homework until the beginning of the following week. Some families choose to use the weekend to complete homework and this helps me stay organized. Also, please remember to have your child put their names on the blue paper! Many children have turned in their word study homework without names on it and there's no way to identify who it belongs to. 

We recently began a new text titled Going to School. This is a non-fiction informational text about how children around the world go to school. We will focus on identifying important text features that deepen our understanding such as labels, captions, and photographs. We will also identify the main topic and supporting details while asking and answering questions. Students are encouraged to go back into the book to answer questions. Answering questions may include making inferences as well - using the text and background knowledge to make an informed conclusion. During the next few weeks we will continue to differentiate between fiction literary texts and non-fiction informational texts. 

**Don't forget to be reading at home each night! It is expected that each first grader reads for 15 minutes a night. It may be independently, with a sibling, with a parent, or even on RAZ-kids. October reading calendars will be due next week and the November reading calendar will be sent home. 

We have been building our numbers sense with addition and subtraction! We are continuing to work with fact families and number bonds to deepen our understanding of the relationships between numbers. We have also recently revisited word problems. We are looking closely at the situations and looking for key words that help us identify whether to add or subtract when given a situation. We also have been looking at a new type of number story - comparing. When we look at comparing number stories we are being told one part is greater or less than the other, but we need to find out by how many. When solving for these types of problems we can choose to subtract the parts that are the same or think addition and fill in the missing part to reach the greater number. See the example below:

Sam has 4 action figures and Jim has 1 action figure. How many more action figures does Sam have than Jim?

I can choose to subtract:

or I can choose to think addition:
 In either situation, we are comparing the two numbers. We will continue to work with number stories this week and identifying key words to determine what kind of problem solving steps we should take. In the coming weeks we will being working with multi-step word problems.

Social Studies
We have talked more in depth about the roll of our president and the important jobs he has to keep our county safe. We will continue to talk about what kind of character traits leaders should have and how we can be responsible citizens.

This week our science focus was on how animals protect themselves and how engineers use nature to design things that humans use. For example, turtles have a shell to protect themselves. A bicycle helmet was designed to protect our heads with a turtle's shell in mind.

           Please check the
 IH School Calendar for other events that may not be listed.

October 25 - Early Release - 2:00PM Dismissal

October 27 - Literacy Night 6:30PM

October 31 - Halloween Parade and Class Party

November 8 - NO SCHOOL (Election Day/Institute Day)

November 17 - Family Reading Night