Monday, March 20, 2017

March 18th, 2017

Time flies when you're having fun! Thank you to all of the parents who attended parent-teacher conferences. It's great getting to catch up with you and work closely with you to ensure a successful year for your child! Please take some time to read the reminders and see what we're learning!

This Friday March 24th, student council will host another spirt day - Hat Day! We will also have a bonus spirit day when we return from spring break on Wednesday, April 4th - 80's Day!

Please see Mrs. Gluck's Principal's Message regarding information on classroom placement and input for the 2017-18 school year as well as Erin's Law presentation information. 

The Ivy Hall Variety Show will be Thursday, April 27th at 6:30 pm. If your child would like to participate, auditions are being held on March 22nd. Please see the information packet in the virtual back pack to sign up for auditions and for more information. 

Please visit the PTO Blog for additional information on upcoming events and additional volunteer opportunities. 

Students are finishing up their final narrative writing piece! We are working hard to follow the writing process of analyzing a prompt, brainstorming, planning, drafting, revising, editing and publishing with this piece. Please remember if you're writing at home to reinforce conventions with the acronym CUPSS (Capitals, Usage, Punctuation, Spacing, Spelling). It's helpful to analyze one sentence at a time or one part of CUPSS at a time rather than looking at everything all at once. Our next unit of study will be informational writing. 

Students are doing a great job using their background knowledge and making connections with our current texts King Kafu and the Moon and Let's Visit the Moon. They are also working closely on identifying differences between fiction and non-fiction texts. When reading at home see if your child can tell you what kind of text they're reading and how they know! 

We're continuing to build our understanding of number sense! Students are working hard to use what they know about place value to help them add within 100. We will continue to analyze numbers and break them down this week. We will also be revisiting graphing and comparing numbers when we return from spring break. 

We have begun investigating sky patterns! Students studied photographs of the sky and made a list of objects they can see in the sky during the day verse at night. This week will will act as engineers and design a playhouse with windows that would let the sun shine inside all day long. Students will build their model and test it before spring break.

March 22 - Variety Show Auditions
March 24 - Student Council Spirit Day - Hat Day
March 24 - 2017/18 School Supply Kit order forms due
March 27 - April 3 - NO SCHOOL (Spring Break) 
April 4 - NO SCHOOL (Teacher Institute Day)
April 5 - Student Council Spirit Day - 80's Day
April 14 - NO SCHOOL (District Holiday) 
April 25 - Special Lunch (pre-order required)