We have been so busy in first grade getting to know each other and our classroom routines and expectations! Routines are so important at school so these next few weeks we will build our understanding in our literacy and math routines. We will also be working on our beginning and end of the day routines as well.
What's going on in literacy?
In our shared reading time we've been reading different stories that link to the common theme of friendship. Stellaluna and Frog and Toad are two stories that we've spent some time on. After reading each story, students are asked varying levels of comprehension questions to get them thinking deeper. We have focused on retelling this week and will continue to work on how to retell a story by including the character's names, setting, and sequenced events. Retelling may also include character's feelings or inferences made while reading. Inferences are conclusions we come to by using what we read in a text and what we know about the world around us. For example: "She did not get a lot of sleep last night." I know that she is probably tired from getting little sleep.
Spelling & Writing
This past week we took our baseline spelling test for Words Their Way. This assessment is used to place students into their first spelling sort group. We will begin Words Their Way next week by learning the process and different ways to sort. Differentiated word sorts will not begin until the middle of September. We also wrote our first narrative story about a favorite summer memory. This week we will continue to focus on narrative writing by talking about the planning process. We will be writing about a playdate we've had with a friend or family member.
We began math by taking our first pre-test for Unit 1. In this unit students will be asked to add numbers up to 10, subtract single digit numbers, solve one step word problems for addition and subtraction, and determine if number sentences are true or false. We began this week by reviewing what the +, -, and = symbols mean as well as how to tell if an equation is true (equal) or false (not equal).
Friendly Reminders
**Homework will begin this week! Please be on the look out for any math papers labeled as "homework" and the first monthly reading calendar coming home September 1st. Words their Way sorts will not begin until mid September. Homework is a great way for you to connect with your child on what we're learning in the classroom :)
**If you would like to order Ivy Hall spirit wear please place your orders before Friday, 9/2. Orders will be passed out by September 23rd. Please click here for the direct link to order. You can also click the link in the Ivy Hall Virtual Backpack.
Please check the Ivy Hall School Calendar for other events that may not be listed below.
September 5 - NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
September 7 - Picture Day
September 13 - PTO Special Lunch
September 27 - Early Release 2:00PM
October 3 - NO SCHOOL