If your child is having lunch at school, it may be helpful to discuss with them what they are having prior to coming in the morning. You can find the school lunch menu here or on the district's website.
Please remember we will have snack every afternoon. If your child eats snack it MUST be from the approved snack list (you can find that here). If it is not, I will send it home with a note attached and your child will have to get an approved snack from the nurse.
THANK YOU for all your patience with first day dismissal! Just as a reminder we have four dismissal areas. Please see Mrs. Gluck's principal message for more information. (It seems like there is some confusion between parent pick-up and walkers. Parent pick-up is for car riders only. If your child is a walker, you may still pick them up at the walker door but they are not labeled as parent pick-up students). Any changes in transportation must be communicated to the office in writing - note or email.
For your knowledge, our behavior management tool is a color coded system. You can find more about this system under the Behavior Expectations link. On top of using the color coded system I pass out "bee bucks" to boys and girls making good choices. You will see a lot of bee bucks over the next few weeks to promote positive behavior. Each bee buck will earn them a sticker on their behavior punch card. When a child receives 20 stickers, they can pick a reward from our behavior binder. Rewards include prizes from the treasure chest, sitting at the teachers desk, extra iPad time, teacher's helper, etc. You may also have noticed a behavior chart in your child's folder today. I use this as a communication tool so you can see how your child's day was. Please keep this in your child's folder for the week. I would appreciate your help in praising your child for green and blue days and providing small consequences for yellow and red days. This will help keep consistency in the classroom and ensure that the system works the way it's intended :)
If you are looking to get involved at Ivy Hall this year please reference the district website. There are a lot of fun ways to get involved through the PTO! You can also follow their blog here.
I can tell we are going to have a great year ahead of us! I'm sure we will all sleep well tonight. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me - kschutt@kcsd96.org. Have a great night!
Miss Schutt